
The Estrogen Errors
Why Progesterone Is Better for Women’s Health
219 pages, Praeger Publishers
Susan Baxter teamed up with internationally-known physician Jerilyn C. Prior to examine the controversy over the presciption of estrogen for perimenopausal women in the United States. They examine in detail reasons why progesterone is a far more effective and far less risky approach. Prior’s patients, like most women in Europe, find progesterone is the key to dealing with this life cycle transition. Contrary to Western medicine and in challenge to American medical orthodoxy, these authors do not see perimenopause as a disease.
Press Release

The Fine Art of Healing
Using creative art to heal both body and soul
To explore the interplay between art and healing, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia brought together nurses, physicians, therapists, lay persons, artists, and others for the second conference on Healing and the Creative Arts. What emerged from the many workshops and lectures was that art can, indeed, be a valuable and integrated part of the healing process. It doesn’t and shouldn’t replace clinical competence — for post-operative pain you need morphine, not music — but as an adjunct, a prophylactic, art is means of enhancing, amplifying, and accelerating healing.
View an excerpt.

Immune Power
Avery (Penguin/Putnam); New York, 1999
(ISBN 0-89529-934-8
How to use your immune system to fight disease – from cancer to aids – is the topic of this book. Dr. Lane provides a practical guide to empowering your body’s natural defense system to help in the fight against disease. It begins by providing a clear picture of the immune system and explaining what happens when you get something as simple as a cold or as complex as an autoimmune disease.

BC Medical Journal
Building Bridges instead of Moats (September 1999)
St. Paul’s and Vancouver Hospital, Consolidating Futures (April 1996)
Recognizing, Assessment, Management of Delirium (with R. Hewko, MD, Sept. 1996)

Medical Post
MD shortage puts entire health care system at risk, task force warns (May 16, 2000)
Nurse practitioners can play role in primary care; Most med students still practicing on each other; Declaring specialties in third year stressful; Tuition deregulation could mean only wealthy apply (May 23, 2000)
Wanted: Well-rounded medical resident (June 6, 2000)

BC Woman Magazine
Hormone Therapy at Menopause (July 1995)
Migraine: The Headache From Hell (Nov. 1995)
No More Food for Thought – Where’s Lunch? (April 1995)
Success or Love? (May 1995)
Not Just the Blues: Overcoming Depression (Nov. 1994) Coping with Cancer (April 1994)
Putting on the Ritz – without putting on the pounds (January 1994)
Health Care Wars: New Directions (June 1993)
The Fine Art of Flirting (Feb. 1993)
When a Relationship Ends (October 1992)
Feminism in the ‘90’s (May 1992)
Is Your Husband Having an Affair? (March 1992)
More Flex, Better Sex (July 1992)

Health Watch
The Usual Suspects (Knowing when to call the doctor); Stroke symptoms (Fall/Winter 2000)
The Painful Truth – about children’s pain (Winter 1998)
The Creative Art of Healing (Winter 1998)
Heartening News – women and heart disease (Spring 1997)

Psychology Today
Humor (Oct. 1995)
The Last Word on Gender Differences (April 1994)
The Last Self-Help Article You’ll Ever Need (March 1993)

Family Practice Magazine
Know patients’ values and views before treating health issues (21 Sept. 1998)
Strive for negotiated solutions everyone can live with (7 Sept. 1998)
BC Health Minister Sacks Board (2 March 1998)
Survival Training in Humor (March 2, 1998)
Rocky Road to Regionalization in North Vancouver (9 Feb. 1998)
Children in pain: here’s how to help (Jan. 12, 1998)
Violence, Disease plague women world-wide; Respect, not high-tech, is what female patients need (3 Nov. 1997)
Pain Research has clinical implications for Family Physicians (6 Oct. 1997)
What your sense of humour says about you (10 Nov. 1997)
A serious study on humour; A laugh a day keeps the doctor away; Laugh until it stops hurting (Oct. 20, 1997)
Rx for ‘simple’ common emergency infections (4 Aug. 1997)
Space Age Surgical Assistant at SFU (7 July 1997)
Deep sea predator key to cancer treatment (7 April 1997)
The five ‘most useless, overprescribed drugs’ for the elderly; The Side Effects of telling patients about side effects (2 June 1997);
BCMA balks at reference-based drug pricing (2 Dec. 1996);
Reference-based pricing putting patients at risk (16 Dec. 1996); Antihypertensives now reference-based in BC (18 Nov. 1996)
Medical ethicist debunks health care ‘crisis’ (19 Aug. 1996)
No surprises at pre-election health care forum in BC (20 May 1996)
‘Inoculating’ patients against smoking (3 April 1996)
Antidepressant tolerance doesn’t mean no side effects (15 April 1996)
Integrating ethics into palliative care; Confidentiality takes new twist (15 April 1996)
Ear transplant can change patient’s life (15 Jan. 1996)
Hyperactivity not always behind a child’s ADHD
Children paying for too much fluoride (16 Jan. 1995)
High rate of suicide in the elderly (3 Oct. 1994)
Delirium: Not just a matter of confusion; Quick, easy tests to gauge a patient’s level of understanding; Delirium in the elderly common and dangerous (4 July 1994)
Depression often missed in sick patients (20 June 1994)
Bear in mind teddy clue (17 Jan. 1994)
On the brink of a vitamin revolution?; Ethics: A Matter of Life and Death (2 Aug. 1993)
Hedy Fry will be Kim’s opponent at home (21 June 1993)
Bad News Bearers (3 May 1993); Pain: First, do no harm (12 April 1993)
Cardiac Patients/The Fit life (18 Jan. 1993)
All Heart Symposium: Cardiac Rehab; Thrombolytic Therapy its own limitation (20 April 1992)
Alzheimer the Silent Epidemic (7 September 1992)
Perception of Drug Benefit not always Reality (2 March 1992)